4 day meditation retreat in Powder Mountain, UT provides real world benefits to participants.
Bountiful, UT, March 4, 2015 (Newswire.com) - For many people, the word “meditation” can be kind of intimidating. Maybe it conjures up images of bearded yogis sitting on mountaintops in mysterious, far-off places like Tibet. Often people feel they need to be seriously religious or seriously dedicated to be able to meditate – or that meditation takes too much effort and commitment for a “normal” person.
An amazing four day retreat at the gorgeous Powder Mountain Resort in Utah will change that perception. This is an introduction to Ascension Attitudes meditation, conducted by Ishayas of the Bright Path, an international organization dedicated to mediation instruction. The retreat runs May 1 – May 4, four days and three nights. Lodging and food are included in the $450 package, as well as the use of resort facilities - nature walks, a heated pool and Jacuzzi, gym and yoga. Spaces are limited so pre-registration is imperative.
Some meditation techniques are so simple and effortless that children can master them and put them to use.
Atri, Bright Path teacher
“There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about meditation out there – trust us, we’ve heard them all!” said Bright Path teacher, Atri. “In fact, the practice of meditation is just as accessible to beginners as it is to that yogi on the mountain. Some meditation techniques are so simple and effortless that children can master them and put them to use. This four day retreat is a wonderful opportunity for anyone curious about mediation to have a full immersion in the experience.”
Meditation has a number of measurable, real-world benefits including improved brain function, better health, clearer focus, a boost in creativity and more balanced moods, not to mention happiness, stronger relationships and even inner peace. Adding the benefits of meditation to life can be as simple as breathing.
Ascension Attitudes is not based on any particular belief, it is non-dogmatic and therefore does not conflict with any other religious teachings. It is instead completely mechanical and can be applied by, and will work for, anyone at any time. The Attitudes are unique in that they can be used eyes closed in meditation, and also with the eyes open throughout the day, allowing anyone to easily move beyond the chatter and chaos of the mind, into a direct experience of inner peace. Ascension meditation relies on the four core values of praise, gratitude, love and compassion to move toward enlightenment.
The Ishayas of the Bright Path are an international group of people who have dedicated their lives to expansion of consciousness and teaching the effortless techniques, of Ascension Attitudes. The Ishayas are known for their simple, experiential approach to spirituality, with over 400 teachers worldwide residing in 21 different countries. The Ishayas’ teaching has its roots in both the East and the West. In the East it stems from the Vedic Tradition of India, the very tradition of Enlightenment itself. In the West it has roots in the Judeo-Christian culture of the early first century, with tradition holding that the Ishaya monks were an order founded by John the Apostle.
For more information on the retreat and the Bright Path, visit http://www.thebrightpath.com. Media inquiries or sponsorship/partnership inquiries can be directed to Blair@MediaMogulsPR.com